Take action
No one should be punished for wanting to be free
The North Korean people face a brutal and repressive government that isolates them from the world and denies their most basic human rights, and conditions have worsened in the era of COVID-19.  Tell Congress and the US government you stand with the North Korean people.
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Write to your elected officials
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We’re asking the United States Government and the Biden administration to:
Decades of failed policy show there are no quick fixes on security issues without addressing the nature of North Korea as a country. It’s time we make the North Korean people a bigger concern in our North Korea policy.
Confirm the Special Envoy on North Korean Human Rights as soon as possible
This is a critical position, unfilled since January 2017, that would promote the importance of North Korean human rights issues.
Elevate human rights in discussions with the North Korean government and at the United Nations
UN bodies can play an important role in pressing North Korea for progress on human rights issues.
Increase North Korean People’s Access to Information
Accelerating information access for the North Korean people is one of the most effective ways to bring forward change. It erodes the government’s propaganda and empowers North Koreans to drive change inside the country.
Protect North Korean refugees in China
The Chinese government arrests and forcibly sends refugees back to North Korea where they face severe punishment, torture, and imprisonment.
This isn't happening here, but it is in North Korea
Something as simple as watching or distributing foreign media can be punished by public execution in North Korea. A report published in 2019 by the Transitional Justice Working Group identified 318 public execution sites inside North Korea that were used to punish such alleged crimes.

Learn more about the extreme challenges the North Korean people face here
At night, my father would turn on a small black radio and our family would listen to South Korean radio. We had to keep the volume low so that someone walking by couldn’t hear it. In North Korea, listening to foreign radio is considered a crime against the state. If we had been caught, we could have faced years in a political prison camp or even execution."
– Illyong Ju, escaped North Korea in 2008
Liberty in North Korea is an international NGO working with the North Korean people as they achieve their liberty. LiNK helps North Korean refugees escape through a 3,000-mile secret rescue route and empowers North Koreans who have reached freedom to be storytellers, advocates, and leaders on this issue. With the help of people like you, we know that one day every North Korean man, woman, and child will be free.
Our support for the North Korean people matters now more than ever